So we're here today to talk about arthritis. There's about three common types of arthritis.
There's osteoarthritis, which is from overuse, there's rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune condition where your body reverts on its joints, and can cause destruction. And then there's a category called polymyalgia rheumatica. All of them have joint pain. If the joint pain is left untreated, it can become debilitating, crippling, so we must get ahead of it. Otherwise, you can have some very serious symptoms with a lot of pain, swelling, and inflammation.
One of the first things I talked to people about is diet, you got to get off the sugars, you got to get off foods you possibly are allergic to possibly are allergic to gluten and wheat, or lactose and milk. But those are things that must be verified and checked out.
Also, there's a whole other category of the night shades - these are your belladonna alkaloids that basically cause inflammation, and we find them in potato skins, green pepper skins, egg plant skins, and these are all the most common nightshades that can cause a lot of inflammation that must be taken out of the diet. If they're not, they're very pro inflammatory.
We also use a lot of natural herbal medicines from tumeric to boswellia. To proteolytic enzymes, we also use something called MSM that's from a derivative of DMSO. And I also came across an herbal supplement that I'm really excited about because it works like a drug called methotrexate, which can actually down regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. And that's called tripterygium wilfordii. And it's not well known, but it works very well in reducing inflammation.
So that's a brief synopsis of the dietary supplements that you can take and also the nutritional supplements that you can take in order to help to mitigate some of the symptoms